Android UI Widgets

Android UI Widgets

There are given a lot of UI widgets with simplified examples such as Button, EditText, AutoCompleteTextView, ToggleButton, DatePicker, TimePicker, ProgressBar etc.
Working with Button Let's learn how to perform event handling on button click.
Android Toast Displays information for the short duration of time.
Custom Toast We are able to customize the toast, such as we can display image on the toast
ToggleButton It has two states ON/OFF.
CheckBox Let's see the application of simple food ordering.
AlertDialog AlertDialog displays a alert dialog containing the message with OK and Cancel buttons.
Spinner Spinner displays the multiple options, but only one can be selected at a time.
AutoCompleteTextView Let's see the simple example of AutoCompleteTextView.
RatingBar RatingBar displays the rating bar.
DatePicker Datepicker displays the datepicker dialog that can be used to pick the date.
TimePicker TimePicker displays the timepicker dialog that can be used to pick the time.

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