Installing softwares

Installing softwares for Android

Android supports java, c++, c# etc. language to develop android applications. Java is the officially supported language for android. All the android examples of this site is developed using Java language and Eclipse IDE.
Here, we are going to tell you, the required softwares to develop android applications using Eclipse IDE.

Simple way by ADT Bundle

It is the simplest technique to install required softwares for android application. It includes:
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Android SDK
  • Eclipse Plugin
If you download the ADT from android site, you don't need to have eclipse IDE, android SDK and eclipse Plugin because it is already included in adt bundle.
If you have downloaded the ADT bundle, unjar it, go to eclipse IDE and start the eclipse by clicking on the eclipse icon. You don't need to do any extra steps here.

NOTE: If eclipse is not started, paste the JRE directory inside the eclipse directory.

Other way by setting up eclipse IDE manually

How to setup Android for Eclipse IDE

In this page, you will learn what softwares are required for running an android application on eclipse IDE. Here, you will be able to learn how to install the android SDK ADT plugin for Eclipse IDE. Let's see the softwares required to setup android for eclipse IDE manually.
  1. Install the JDK
  2. Download and install the Eclipse for developing android application
  3. Download and Install the android SDK
  4. Intall the ADT plugin for eclipse
  5. Configure the ADT plugin
  6. Create the AVD
  7. Create the hello android application

1) Install the Java Development Kit (JDK)

For creating android application, JDK must be installed if you are developing the android application with Java language. download the JDK

2) Download and install the Eclipse IDE for developing the android application

For developing the android application using eclipse IDE, you need to install the Eclipse. you can download it from this location download the Eclipse. Eclispe classic version is recommended but we are using the Eclipse IDE for JavaEE Developers (Eclipse Helios).

3) Download and install the android SDK

First of all, download the android SDK. In this example we have installed the android SDK for windows (.exe version). Now double click on the exe file, it will be installed. I am using the android 2.2 version here.

4) Download the ADT plugin for eclipse

ADT (Android Development Tools) is required for developing the android application in the eclipse IDE. It is the plugin for Eclipse IDE that is designed to provide the integrated environment.
For downloading the ADT, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Start the eclipse IDE, then select Help > Install new software...
  2. In the work with combo box, write

    android adt

  3. select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click next
  4. you will see, a list of tools to be downloaded here, click next
  5. click finish
  6. After completing the installation, restart the eclipse IDE

5) Configuring the ADT plugin

After the installing ADT plugin, now tell the eclipse IDE for your android SDK location. For this:
  1. Select the Window menu > preferences
  2. Now select the android from the left panel. Here you may see a dialog box asking if you want to send the statistics to the google. Click proceed.
  3. Click on the browse button and locate your SDK directory e.g. my SDK location is C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk .
  4. Click the apply button then OK.

6) Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

For running the android application in the Android Emulator, you need to create and AVD. For creating the AVD:
  1. Select the Window menu > AVD Manager
  2. Click on the new button, to create the AVD
  3. Now a dialog appears, write the AVD name e.g. myavd. Now choose the target android version e.g. android2.2.
  4. click the create AVD

7) create and run the simple android example


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